Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Three Brothers

Once upon a time, there were three young brothers who lived with their father in a small village. Their father was old and always sick. The old man knew that he was not going to live for long, so he tried to split his wealth for his sons.
"Listen, sons. I'm going to leave you this small hut and that small farm land out there for all of you. The buffalo is for you, Kirno," said the old man to his first son.
"What about me, Father?" asked Beno, the second son.
"You can take care of our plough," said the old man.
"And you my little son, I give you this small bag of rice seed." "Thank you, Father," said Gito, the third son.
"All of you can change your destiny with all the things I give you. However, you must help each other and remember that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west," muttered the old man.
Those were the last words from the old man to his sons. Few hours later, the old man passed away.
A day after the old man died, Kirno went to the market to sell his buffalo. Gito ran after him, trying to remind him about their father's will which asked them to help each other.
But Kirno ignored him. Beno also sold the plough and enjoyed the money himself. Kirno and Beno did nothing but spent their money.
Gito was very upset. But he wanted to become a good farmer Like his father. So, he borrowed a plough from his neighbour. He had to plough the farm land by himself because he did not have any buffaloes. He worked so hard from the sun rose until the sun set.
After seven years of working hard, Gito became a successful farmer. But he was not happy because he kept thinking of his brothers. He looked for his brothers everywhere, but still he could not find them.
One day, Gito went down to town to buy some farming equipment. When he was about to leave the shop, a beggar asked him for some money and a pickpocket was trying to take his wallet. These people were actually Gito's brothers. Gito recognized them at the first place. Feeling very happy, Gito quickly hugged them.
In the end, Gito told them that he had become a successful farmer. He also invited them to stay in his house. Kirno and Beno felt ashamed to Gito. They realized that they had done a terrible mistake in the past.


Thursday, March 28, 2013

The legend of rain dan terjemahannya

Once upon a time, there lived a Clouds family. Papa Cloud, Mama Cloud, and Cloud children lived quietly in the sky.
Every morning, the cloud children went to the sky playground to play with the slide. But since there was only one slide, they had to take turns on the slide. Lody, the youngest cloud child, looked impatient. He could not wait for his turn to come. His brother, Tody, didn't like his attitude. Suddenly, they were quarrelling. Their white bodies became gray. It meant they were very angry. When the clouds were angry, water usually came out of their bodies. It meant rain for the people on Earth.
"Stop it, children! Stop fighting!" Papa Cloud said.
"You can play with the slide in turns. Now, shake hands. Both of you!" ordered Papa Cloud.
Lody and Tody shaked hands and slowly their colours changed. Their bodies became fair white again. The rain stopped and people on Earth could go on their activities again.

terjemahan ......

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The wise lion dan terjemahannya

 King lion was getting ready to go to war and called to arms all the other animals.
But his ministers asked him to dismiss the donkey and the rabbit, because one was too stupid and the other too easily scared.
“Not at all” refused the king. “The donkey has a voice which is even more resonant than mine. He can be the trumpeter”
“The rabbit, being so quick, will be invaluable for carrying message,” added the king. To win a war you have to know how to get the best out of everyone. 


Raja singa siap-siap untuk berangkat berperang dan mengumpulkan semua pasukannya dan semua binatang-binatang yang lain.
Tetapi menterinya meminta untuk tidak mengikutkan keledai dan kancil, karena yang satunya kurang cerdas dan yang satunya lagi penakut.
"Tidak keduanya" Raja singa menolak. "Keledai memiliki suarabergema bahkan lebih bergema dari suaraku. dia bisa menjadi peniup terompet"
"Sedangkan sang kancil, dia cepat, akan sangat bermanfaat dalam membawa pesa," lanjut sang Raja. untuk memenangkan peperangan kamu harus tahu dan mengeluarkan kehebatan (kemampauan terbaik) masing-masing.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Proud Rooster (dan artinya)

Two roosters were fighting fiercely to be the king of the farm yard. One finally gained advantage and the other surrendered.
The losing rooster slunk away and hid itself in a quiet corner. The winner flew up to a high wall, flapped its wings and crowed its victory, as loud as it could.
Suddenly an eagle came sailing through the air and carried it off, with its talons. The losing rooster immediately came out of its corner and ruled the farm yard from then on.

Ayam yang sombong
Dua ekor ayam jago sedang beradu kekuatan untuk menjadi raja di lingkungannya. Dan akhirnya salah satu dari keduanya menang.
Si jago yang kalah lari menyelinap dan bersembunyi. Sedangkan si jago yang menang terbang ke tempat tinggi dan dengan bangganya mengepakkan sayapnya dan memngumumkan (berkokok) kemenagannnya dengan senyaring mungkin.
Tiba-tiba datang seekor elang menangkap dan membawanya menggunakan cakarnya yang tajam. Si jago yang kalah akhirnya keluar dari persembunyiannya dan diangkat menjadi raja pada lingkungannya tersebut.