Friday, March 2, 2012

A poor farmer and his landlord

A poor farmer and his landlord story
Once upon a time there was a poor farm worker in China. One day he had no rice to eat, and decided to ask his landlord for some. Therefore, he killed one of his ducks and gave it to the landlord as a present.
The landlord received the present and thanked the farm worker. The landlord could not divide the duck fairly so he asked the farmer, “How can I divide this duck fairly? I have a wife, two sons and two daughters.
The farm worker took his knife and cut off the head of the duck. “This is for you”, he said “because you’re the head of the family.”
Then he cut off the two legs and gave one to each of the sons. “These are for you”, he said, “because you will follow in your father’s footsteps.”
Next he cut off the two wings and gave one to each of the daughters. “These are for you”, he said, “because you will fly away and marry someone.
Finally, he took the rest for himself. The landlord was very happy and gave the farm worker some rice and money as well.

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