Thursday, March 29, 2012

Nando and His Grandfather

Nando and his grand father story
A long time ago in Minahasa lived an old man with his grandson, Nando. Nando was limped. He could not walk well. His grandfather loved him very much. He never permitted Nando to go out alone. Nando's grandfather's job was looking for wood in the jungle. Nando really wanted to go to the forest with him but he never gave permission. But finally he let Nando to go to the forest with him.
In the forest, Nando walked slowly behind his grandfather. He was very excited. He saw some monkeys. When his grandfather looked back, he was shocked. Nando was lost. He looked for him everywhere but he couldn't find him. Sadly, the grandfather went back home.
The following day, the grandfather was back to the jungle. When he was walking, he heard a strange bird making sound "Moo poo ... Moo poo". He felt the bird said, "Opoku ... Opoku". It means "My grandpa ... My grandpa ...... The grandfather was surprised. He approached the bird. It was limped. There were tears in the bird's eyes. He knew that Nando had changed into a bird.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The guard's rewards

Untuk kamu yang mencari cerita bahasa inggris, english story, narrative teks. semoga postingan berikut bermanfaat.

The guard's rewards story
There was once a king in Tibet who liked to eat fish. One year, there was a very bad drought. The rivers became dry and fish became scarcer and scarcer.
The king felt very hungry as he did not like to eat any other kind of food. He called his ministers to see him.
“anyone who brings fish to the palace can ask for anything
he likes as a reward,” he told them.
Not long afterward, a man brought to the palace some salted fish which he had obtained from India.
He was stopped at the palace gate by the guard.
“Where are you going? Stop! What are you carrying?
“I…..I…. I’ve brought some fish for the king.”
“Fish! Where did you get it?”
“I brought it back from a recent visit to India.”
“All right. Leave it with me. I shall pass it on to his majesty.” The guard thought. “I’ll get a big reward from the king for this.”
“No” said the man. “I want to give it to the king myself.”
The guard tried to persuade him to leave the fish with him but the man refused.
“you’ll have to agree to give half the reward you get from the king.” He said. “Otherwise. I shan’t let you in.”
“yes. I agree. By the way sir,” asked the man. “what is your name?”
“Everyone calls me the ‘one-eyed Ox’,” answered the guard.
The king was very pleased to have some fish again.
“What would you like as a reward?” he asked the man.
“I would like to be caned a thousand times, your majesty,” the man answered.
“that’s very strange reward,” the king said. “Are you sure that is what you want?”
“Yes, your majesty.”
The king thought to himself, “He must be a fool! Why does he want to be caned?”
So he sent for his servants to cane the man. “Beat him lightly,” he ordered. “Don’t hurt him. He brought me some fish.”
When he had been caned five hundred times. The man stood up and said, “Enough. I don’t want any more.”
Everyone was very surprised. “who should be given the rest, then?” they asked. The man told the king what had happened. “Please give the guard the rest. This is what I’ve arrange with him.”
The king was very angry and ordered One-eyed Ox to be brought in.
By this time, One-eyed Ox was dreaming of what he was going to do with his half of the reward. He thought at least it would be money or other precious things. When he saw how angry the king looked, he was frightened.
“Cane his as hard as you can,” the king ordered his servants. “This is half of the reward.”
One-eyed Ox could hardly walk after being caned. However, he had to thank the king for giving him half the reward. “Thank you, Your Majesty,” he said. “You are really too kind. This is too big a reward for me.”
He never tried to obtain a reward again from anyone who came to see the king.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The vulture, the elephant and the rabbit

Untuk kamu yang mencari cerita bahasa inggris, english story, narrative teks. semoga postingan berikut bermanfaat.

The vulture, the elephant and the rabbit story

Many years ago in Cambodia. There lived the King of the Vultures.
One right, he dreamed that if he could eat the flesh of white elephant, he could become king of the whole of south-east Asia.
When he woke, he told his servants to catch a white elephant for him. Two of them, dressed in golden uniforms, flew to where they knew a white elephant was living.
“Oeu, friend elephant, our master has sent us to fetch you to the place as he would like  to eat white elephant’s flesh.
The white elephant was frightened to hear this. However, there was nothing he could do as the King of the Vultures was so powerful.
He said goodbye to his wife and children and left for
the Vulture King’s palace.
On his way there, he met his friend, Mr. Rabbit. “Where are you going,” asked the rabbit, “and why do you look so sad?” the white elephant told him what had happened.
“What are you going to do? You’ve  a wife and family to look after. Let me come along with you. I’m sure I’ll be able to find some way to make the King of the Vultures change his mind.”
The elephant was very happy to hear this.
Mr. Rabbit sat on his head and travelled with him to the King of the vulture’s palace.
“Welcome! Welcome!” cried the King of the vultures. On seeing the white elephant arrive. “I’ve been waiting such along time for you. I’m afraid I shall have to eat you up straight away.”
He told the elephant to kneel down so he could cut off a piece of his trunk. The King of the Vultures then saw Mr. Rabbit sitting on the elephant’s head, holding on to his two ears.
“Who are you?” he asked. “If you don’t jump down immediately. I’ll eat you up as well.”
“Please wait a moment,” said Mr. Rabbit. “Can You please tell me what the trouble is?”
The King of the Vultures told him about his dream.
“Really!” said Mr. Rabbit, “As a matter of fact, I’ve just had a dream myself of marrying your sister.”
“You can’t do that!” the king of the Vultures shouted.
“In that case,” answered Mr. Rabbit, “to the quite fair, you can’t eat the elephant other.”
The King of the Vultures had to admit that what Mr. Rabbit had said was right.
The elephant returned home to his family and his friend, Mr. Rabbit hopped off back to his home in the forest.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Mr. Blackie

Untuk kamu yang mencari cerita bahasa inggris, english story, narrative teks. semoga postingan berikut bermanfaat.

Mr. Blackie story

A farmer owned a buffalo which was strong and jet black. He called him “Mr.Blackie”
Mr. Blackie was lazy and the only wanted to eat and do as little work as possible.
Every morning, the farmer rode and his back to his rice fields. Mr. Blackie helped himplough his field. After working for several hours under the hot sun, the farmer returned home at mid-day to take his meal. Mr. Blackie bathed in his water-hole. Mr. Blackie did not work in the afternoon. The farmer allowed him to eat grass. At night, Mr. Blackie self comfortably in a small stable next to the farmer’s house, with an (atap) roof over his head.
Mr. Blackie, however ran away to eat grass, while the farmer was not looking. One day, Mr. Blackie trod on the tail of a quail which was sitting quietly in its nest in the grass.
The quail jumped several feet into the air. “Cheh! Why can’t you be more careful? You trod on my tail.”
“I don’t care,” replied Mr. Blackie. “You shouldn’t make your nest in my grass.”
Soon the quail and Mr. Blackie were quarrelling and shouting at each other.
“This is my field,” said the quail.
“But the grass in it belongs to me,” answered Mr. Blackie.
The quail kicked Mr. Blackie in the mouth so hard that all his top teeth fell out. (That is why buffaloes never have top teeth to this day)
The quail then flew away. But it could not fly very well because its tail had been pulled off by Mr. Blackie. (That is why quails do not have tails)
Not long afterwards, Mr. Blackie was resting under a tree after a hard morning’s work. It was mid-day and the farmer had gone home. Suddenly, a wild ox appeared.
Mr. Ox was Mr. Blackie’s old friend. He had run away from his owner.
“Why do you work so hard? Why don’t yourun away with me? We shall be able to eat grass and play together all day. You won’t have to plough rice fields for that silly old farmer.”
“Where can we go?” asked Mr. Blackie.
“Oh, don’t worry about that,” answered Mr. Ox, “I know a secret place in the forest where no one can find us.”
They both ran off together, uphill, downhill, and across stream until they reached a green field hidden deep in the forest.
The farmer looked for Mr. Blackie everywhere. Ar last, he saw some hoof marks left by him. He followed them into the forest. After walking a long way, he saw Mr. Blackie with his friend Mr. Ox eating grass in a field. Mr. Blackie did not know the farmer was there. The farmer tied a rope with a noose on it across a path leading from the field and went home.
When he returned later in the day, he saw that Mr. Blackie had been caught in the noose. Mr. Ox ran away as soon as he saw the farmer coming. (That is why there are still wild oxen in the jungle)
The farmer was very angry with Mr. Blackie, “Is this the way repay my kindness?” he cried. “I’ll tie you up with rope through you’re your nose so that you won’t be able to run away in future.” (That is why buffaloes have a hole through their noses)
He had no more trouble with Mr. Blackie after that. Every morning, he rode on Mr. Blackie’s back to his rice fields. In the afternoon, he tied Mr. Blackie by a rope through his nose to a post in his stable.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Folktale from Borneo

Kumang and the dragon story
Folktale from Borneo

In Sarawak long ago, there was a beautiful girl called Kumang. She was very hard-working and use to fish from morning to night. One day, although it was nearly time to go home, she had still caught no fish. She tried once more. When she pulled up her net, she found there was a tiny snake in it. It looked so helpless that she decided to
Folktale from Borneo
take it home with her. She placed it in a jar in the kitchen. Every day she gave it something to eat. As the weeks passed, the tiny snake grew into a large snake. Finally it changed into a dragon. As it was no longer possible to keep it in the jar, Kumang allowed to live in the house.
Folktale from Borneo
“Why do you eat so much? Asked Kumang. The dragon did not answer but only breathed fire from its mouth. “I’ve sold everything to buy food for you.” This was true. Kumang had sold all the valuable old Chinese jars which she kept in the house, as well as jewelry, clothes, and furniture. She had nothing left to sell. She wondered how she would be able to buy the dragon any more food.
Folktale from Borneo
Suddenly the dragon spoke, Kumang sat up. She had never heard the dragon speak before… “How big is your heart?” she thought it was a strange question. “It is only the size of a small leaf,” she answered. The next day, the dragon asked her the same question and received the same reply.
Folktale from Borneo
“I’ sorry,” the dragon said. “I haven’t had anything to eat for several days. I cannot wait any longer, I am so hungry. I must eat your heart.”
Folktale from Borneo
Kumang almost fainted. She lived alone. She did not know what to do. “Well” she said, “if you want to eat my heart, I shall have to give it to you. But first, please look for a piece of hollow bamboo. Then place my heart in it together with some rice and cook it over a fire. It will taste much better like that.”
Folktale from Borneo
As soon the dragon had left the house, Kumang said to her dog, “When the dragon returns, tell him I have gone out for a walk and won’t be back for an hour or so.”
Folktale from Borneo
She ran into the neighbouring rubber estate owned by her friend Danjal. She quickly climbed the tallest tree she could find. She sat on the highest branch and poured a bottle of cooking oil down the trunk of the tree.
Folktale from Borneo
Not long afterward, the dragon returned home with the bamboo. He had been running and was out of breath. He was angry when he heard what Kumang’s dog said. However, he soon followed Kumang’s footprints to the tall tree where she was hiding. He tried to climb the tree but it was too slippery. He decided to wait at the bottom of the tree. “she can’t stay up there for ever,” he thought.
Folktale from Borneo
Just a bout that time, Danjal’s friend Juara visited the estate. He heard a small voice calling out to him from the top of a tree. “Please tell Danjal to set fire to the estate. The trees are old and dry. Next year he can plant some young trees.”
Folktale from Borneo
Then he heard another sound, much deeper and very fierce, “don’t do anything of the sort. If Danjal sets fire to the trees, he’ll cause himself a lot of trouble and lose all his money.”
Folktale from Borneo
Juara was frightened. He had never heard voices like these before. One sounded like a fairy’s and the other like an evil spirit’s.
Folktale from Borneo
He ran to Danjal’s house. “What’s wrong?” asked Danjal. “You look as if you have seen a ghost.” Juara told him what had happened.
Folktale from Borneo
“If a fairy has asked me to burn down the old trees, I’m sure there must be a good reason. I always obey what fairies tell me.”
Folktale from Borneo
So they set fire to the trees. When they walked round the estate the next day, there were only burnt and blackened tree trunks to be seen. They became tired and sat down to rest on one of the tree trunks. Danjal took out his jungle knife to cut open a coconut he was carrying, as he wanted to drink the coconut juice inside. In doing so, he cut the trunk of the tree. He was surprised to see that some blood started to come out from the cut.
Folktale from Borneo
“What’s this?” he called out in fright. They soon found out that it was not a tree trunk at all but the dragon who had died in the fire!
Folktale from Borneo
Danjal then saw a strange-looking fruit shining on the top branch of s tree which was still standing. “How strange!” he cried. “A single fruit! I wonder why it was not burnt in the fire?
Juara tried to climb the tree. It was difficult as the tree trunk was covered in oil and very slippery.
At last, they got the fruit and took it home. “I’ve never seen a fruit like this before,” said Danjal. “It’s so soft and pink.”
Folktale from Borneo
He placed it on his bed while Juara and he had dinner. While they were eating their dinner, they heard someone singing a sweet song in the bedroom.
They crept in. there was a strange golden light coming from the fruit on the bed. “Close your eyes!” said a small timid voice. “And count to twenty.”
Folktale from Borneo
They did as they were told. When they opened their eyes again, the fruit had split into two. And Kumang was sitting on the bed smiling at them.
“Don’t be afraid!” she said. “Let me tell you what happened.”
After she had finished, Danbjal said to her, “You are really very lucky. It must have been a terrible nightmare for you. Anyway, now the wicked dargon is dead and won’t cause you any more trouble. But I don’t think you should live alone again. Why don’t you become my wife and live here with me?”

After a while, Kumang agreed to marry Danjal and they lived together happily even after.

Folktale from Borneo

Saturday, March 3, 2012

How the mousedeer tricked the crocodiles

How the mousedeer tricked the crocodile

A mousedeer was walking along the bank of river. He could see several crocodiles lying in the mud a t the side of the river.
“Hey, friends!” he called out. “You are really very big and strong! You could easily conguer any country if you want to.”
“Of course, Mr. mousedeer,” answered the crocodiles. “Even men are afraid of us. Look how well are armed.” They showed the mousedeer their sharp claws and
teeth, and waved their tails slowly backwards and forwards. “With one blow we can knock a man down.
”Everything you say is true,” said the mousedeer, “but I would like to know how many of you there are. Can you please form a line across the river so that I can count you?”
The crocodiles did as they were told. They formed a line from one side of the river to the other.
The mousedeer jumped down lightly on the back of the nearest crocodile. “One, two, three,” he counted as he walked across the river on their backs.
When he reached the other side, he jumped quickly on to the bank. “Thank you very much gentlemen,” he called out. “I didn’t want to get my feet wet crossing the river.”
The crocodiles roared in anger.
“Don’t forget, mousedeer.” They shouted “we can live on land as well as in the water. On day we shall catch you and teach you a good lesson.”
“Ha, ha, ha!” laughed the mousedeer. He run away into the forest. But he did not go near the river again after that. Whenever he wanted to drink, he look for water elsewhere.
One day it was very hot. The mousedeer was very thirsty. He could not find water anywhere. He had to return to the river.
“O river,” he cried, “Are there any crocodiles there?” there was no reply. He repeated the question several times but received no answer. “Oh well,” he said “there must be crocodiles there otherwise the river would say something.”
“There are no crocodiles here,” came the answer from the crocodiles, who were grinding their teeth in anger.
“Thanks for letting me know that you’re there,” the mousedeer said. “I don’t think I want to go near the river today.”
The crocodiles rushed up the river bank towards the mousedeer but he ran swiftly into the jungle. “The mousedeer thinks he’s very clever,” said the crocodiles. “Let’s wait for him near those papaya trees over there. He always goes there to eat.”
They waited for several hours. Feeling very hot and uncomfortable under the sun.
Suddenly the mousedeer arrived. “O papaya tree, are there any crocodiles there?”
As there was no reply, he repeated the question several times. There was silence. “Ho, ho papaya tree! I’m sure there are crocodiles there. They must have told you to keep quiet.”
“No we didn’t,” shouted the crocodiles.
The mousedeer immediately ran away but the crocodiles were too slow to catch him.
Before long, the mousedeer felt thirsty and hungry. He went back to the river. While he was searching for food and drink, a crocodile seized him by the leg.
“Hey what are you doing?” asked mousedeer. “That’s not my leg. It’s a branch of a tree.”
The crocodile let go of his leg to take another bite.
The mousedeer leapt away as fast as he could. When he reached as safe distance, he stopped and called out. “My friends, I know you are still waiting for me in the river, if you want to kill me, why don’t we have a fair fight? I shall call all of my friends and you can call yours. In one week’s time. We’ll meet on the river bank and fight it out.”
The crocodiles agreed that it would be the best way to settle the matter once and for all.
Every night after that, while the crocodiles were asleep, the mousedeer made as many footprints as he could in the soft mud at the side of the river.
On the seventh day, a large army of crocodiles appeared. But they could find no sign of the mousedeer and his army. All they could see were hundreds of footprints in the mud.
“What a pity!” they exclaimed. “It’s our fault, we are too late. The mousedeer’s army could not wait for us.”
The mousedeer called out to them from the other side of the river. “Do you think I am so stupid? You can’t kill me so easily!”
Once again, the mousedeer had tricked the crocodiles, and they had to admit defeat.

Six girls and a witch

Untuk kamu yang mencari cerita bahasa inggris, english story, narrative teks. semoga postingan berikut bermanfaat.

Six girls and a witch story

   Many years ago in Serawak, there were six girls who were good friends. The most beautiful was Gayah. She was the cleverest too.
One day they went to the jungle to collect some wild fruit. They lost their way. “Don’t be afraid”, said Gayah. “I shall be able to
find the way back.” When night came, they saw a bright fire not far away. They walked towards it. There was a little old woman sitting in front of it.
“I know you have lost your way,” the old man said. “You must be hungry, although you certainly look quite fat and well fed. Ha, ha, ha! It is lucky that you found me. Have some of these cakes, my dears.”
“Don’t take any!” whispered Gayah. “Let me talk to her. She’s a witch.”
“I’m sorry we can’t eat without first having something to drink,” she said to the old woman. “How far is the nearest river from here?”
“I can’t tell you,” replied the old woman. “If I tell you, you’ll run away. No my dears, I’ll fetch some water for you.”
“Thank you , madam,” Gayah answered. She thought that the old woman was stupid to leave them alone while she went to fetch some water. However, the old woman was not as stupid as Gayah thought. She waved a magic wand. All the girls felt weak and they had  to sit down. In a flash, the old woman tied them up with a long rope. I’ll carry one end of the rope with me. If I pull it, I can easily find out whether you’re still tied to the other end.” She said.
Then she went to fetch some water. After a while, she tugged the rope, “Ha, ha, ha my little ones, don’t try to run away! You can’t escape from auntie!”
A little while later, she pulled the rope again, “Good, you’re still there! Don’t think you can trick me!”
But Gayah had untied the rope and had fastened it to a tree. So when the witch pulled the rope the next time, she thought that the girls were still there.
The girls ran back into the jungle as fast as they could.
When the witch returned, the girls were nowhere to be seen. She waved her magic wand and cried, “Let there be a wide river with a big crocodile in it to stop the girls running away.”
In a second, the witch flew high above the tree tops and landed on the back of a wide river.
She saw the girls talking to crocodile, “Stop! Stop!” she cried.
Gayah spoke quickly to the crocodile. “Please take us across the river one by one,” she begged.
“How much will you pay me?” asked the crocodile.
“Mr. crocodile, you know we don’t have any money. But you may eat the sixth one.”
The crocodile agreed. He took the first girl on his back and swam across the river. Then he went back and carried the second girl across. And the third and fourth and the fifth. “now I shall eat the sixth,” he thought.
The witch ran down to the edge of the river. “Ha, this must be the sixth,” the crocodile laughed. The witch sat on the crocodile’s back and he took her to the middle of the river. Suddenly, he threw her high into the air and caught her in his mouth. “Ugh, ugh, she’s a bit hard and bony! Not at all like the other five,” he said.
Actually, Gayah had crossed the river at the same time as the fifth girl by hanging on to the crocodile’s tail.
All the girls agreed that they would never go alone into the jungle again.

Friday, March 2, 2012

A poor farmer and his landlord

A poor farmer and his landlord story
Once upon a time there was a poor farm worker in China. One day he had no rice to eat, and decided to ask his landlord for some. Therefore, he killed one of his ducks and gave it to the landlord as a present.
The landlord received the present and thanked the farm worker. The landlord could not divide the duck fairly so he asked the farmer, “How can I divide this duck fairly? I have a wife, two sons and two daughters.
The farm worker took his knife and cut off the head of the duck. “This is for you”, he said “because you’re the head of the family.”
Then he cut off the two legs and gave one to each of the sons. “These are for you”, he said, “because you will follow in your father’s footsteps.”
Next he cut off the two wings and gave one to each of the daughters. “These are for you”, he said, “because you will fly away and marry someone.
Finally, he took the rest for himself. The landlord was very happy and gave the farm worker some rice and money as well.

The rich old lady

The rich old lady story
There was once a very rich old lady whose husband had died and whose children had married and gone to live in foreign countries. She was too old to live alone so she moved to an expensive hotel near the sea.
This lady had a pair of nasty, ugly dogs which used to growl and bark at everybody. She loved them very much although nobody did. They lived in the hotel with her and  went whenever she did.
One day there was a new waiter come to work in that hotel. He helped the old lady to carry her blankets and her pillows. He helped her to get in or get out from the car. And even he pretended that he loved the lady’s dogs very much. He offered to look after them in his free time. He fed them, cleaned them and took them for a walk.
The young waiter was sure that when the rich old lady died she would leave him a lot of money to pay him everything that he had done for her, but when she died a few years later he discovered that the lady left him only two things, the things which she loved most in the world and which she thought that the young waiter loved too-her dogs.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The magic stick

Untuk kamu yang mencari cerita bahasa inggris, english story, narrative teks. semoga postingan berikut bermanfaat.

The magic stick story

There was a very clear lake in Yunnan and some farmers living nearby kept cows. Every morning, they thought ninety-nine cows to the lake to drink. But, in some strange way, by midday there would be one hundred. A beautiful girl always appeared at the same time. Nobody knew where she came from. The farmers liked her very much. She knew many things and could tell them wonderful stories.
 “There is a magic cow among you cattle,” she told them. “Water will part and make a road when it walks on it. It can also walk on top of water. A single hair from its body can carry a very heavy weight.”
The farmers asked her which one has the magic cow. She refused to tell them. “Anyway,” she added, “only an honest man can find out.”
One day, the cows were looking for some corn to eat. The old man looking after them chased them away with a stick. The stick was old and cracked as he had been using it for many years. He did not notice that some cow’s hair had become caught in the cracks.
At the end of the day, when he got ready to return home, he hung two baskets of fire wood on the stick. He was surprised to find it was so light to lift, “Eh!” he cried. “What has happened?” he added another basket at each end. It was just as light. He added more and more baskets. Still it was not difficult to lift. He ran all the way home.
From then on, the old man used to cut wood and take it to the city to sell every day. He got more money than he needed. First time in his life.
One morning, when he was going to the city to sell his wood, he met a rich man. The rich man was surprised to see him carrying such a heavy load: “How can you carry such a heavy weight?” he asked.
“This is a magic stick”
The rich man did not believe him. He asked the old man to let him try. It was true! It was very light. I’ll give you five hundred pieces of gold for the stick,” he said.
The old man took the money. It was enough for him for the rest of his life. He gave the rich man the magic stick.
The rich man was very happy. He noticed, however, that the stick was cracked. He took it to a carpenter and asked him to repair it. The carpenter used and axe to cut off the part which was cracked. He cut again away the magic cow hairs at the same time
The rich man told his wife that evening about the magic stick. He asked her to try it. He put a weight at each end of the stick. His wife tried to lift it but she could not. “What kind of magic stick is this?” she cried. “You’re dreaming. It’s just like any other stick.
“Women!” said the rich man. “They know nothing.” He tried to lift it but he was unable to do so. The magic had left the stick forever.