Friday, November 30, 2012

The queen swallow’s present

The queen swallow’s present
(Favourite stories from Asia)

A farmer had two sons. The elder was called Nolbo and the younger Heoungbo. Just before he died, he said thet he wanted his two sons to live together in the same house.
However, Nolbo was miser and his wife was an unkind woman. She never gave enough food to Heoungbo’s children. One day she quarreled with Heoungbo’s wife, who was very gentle and kind. Nolbo also quarreled with his younger brother, Heoungbo.
“Your wife is lazy. She never works very hard. Also your children are greedy and eat too much food. I don’t think we can allow you to stay with us any longer.”
Heoungbo took his wife and children to live in a small hut at the bottom of a hill. It was so small that his legs came out of the hut when he lay down to sleep. And when he stood up, his head hit the ceiling.
“What shall we do when it rains?” his wife asked him.
“Yes, I know,” answered her husband. “I’m so sorry that we have to live in such a small house. But at least we’re hardworking and honest. One day, I’m sure we shall be rewarded.”
Winter came and then it was spring. Some swallows built a nest under the roof of the house. One day, a snake bit a baby swallow. The swallow fell to the ground and broke its leg. Heoungbo and his wife pitied it. They killed and burned the snake.
Every year, all the swallows went to report to the Queen of the swallows who live far away in the south. As they walked past her throne, she noticed one swallow was limping, “What happened to you?” she asked.
“Your majesty,” replied the swallow, “I fell and broke my leg.” It told the Queen everything that had happened.
The Queen gave it a white seed in Heoungbo’s garden.
It soon grew into a tall plant with beautiful white flowers. The flower changed into large fruit with skins as hard as the shell of a nut.
When Heoungbo cut open the skin of one of the fruit, he saw that it was full of gold and silver and other precious stones. Another contained a fine house with furniture; the third rolls of silk; the fourth rice; and the fifth a dozen servants.
“Wonderful! Wonderful!” cried Heoungbo and his wife. “We shan’t have to live any longer in that small hut. We can have a big house and live comfortably for the rest of our lives.”
But although they were rich. They were always ready to help poor people.
When Nolbo heard that his brother, Heoungbo, had become rich, he went to see him.
“I’m so happy to see you again,” he said, “How did you get such a big house and so much money?”
Heoungbo ran home as fast as he could. “We can do the same.” He told his wife, “If we can find a swallow with a broken leg,”
He threw a stone at a swallow and it fell to the ground with a broken leg. He tied its leg with thread and let it fly away.
The swallow flew towards the south and reported to the Queen of the swallow a black seed to take back to Nolbo the next spring. So the swallow flew back and dropped the seed in Nolbo’s garden.
It grew into a tall plant with flowers of a strange, dark colour. The flowers changed into fruit with hard skins just like Heoungbo’s fruit. Nolbo and his wife could hardly wait to open the skins. When they did so, a great crowd of ugly monks jumped out. They were followed by devils carrying sharp sword and other weapons. There were also frog, toads and snakes. The monks carried buckers of thick yellow mud which they poured over Nolbo’s head. “help! Help!”screamed Nolbo, but his neighbours only laughed at him.
Nolbo almost drowned in the mud. His house was pulled drown by the monks. The dcevils cut to pieces his furniture and clothes. The Frogs, Toads and snakes chased him, his wife and children away from the house.
Nolbo became a beggar. One day, he stood in front of Heoungbo’s house. He asked Heoungbo’s servant to give him some food. Heoungbo came out of the house. When he heard of Nolbo’s trouble, he gave him a large cup of wine. “Drink and forget your unhappiness.” He said. “You and your family can come and stay with me.”
Nolbo thanked his brothers very much. From that day on, he changed his ways and became a good man.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The man with a bump

Once there lived a man who had a big bump on his face. He was a friendly and kind man who lived happily with his wife.
His neighbour also had a bump, but he was unfriendly and grumbled the whole day long.
One day, the friendly man went into the mountain forests to get some fire-wood. However it began to rain and he had to look for a dry place to shelter he saw a big hole in a tree and he crawled quickly into it. But the rain did not stop and it was nearly night time . soon it was dark.

Suddenly, he heard strange sounds. “What could that be?” he asked himself and looked outside. He saw some red, blue and white devils who were all drinking wine.
“This is awful,” said the man who now trembled with fear meanwhile, the devils began to dance to an unusual tune. But it was so gay that the old man came out of the hole and joined the dancing.
“Look at this funny man! Isn’t he a good dancer! Please dance again,” the devil shouted happily.
Towards morning, the devils begged the old man to come again the next night. “What precious thing can you give us so that we know you will come again?” asked the devils. Then they saw the bump on the old man’s face and said, “We shall keep this bump,” and they pulled it off his face.
As the daylight came, all of the devils disappeared.
The old man was happy that this face was no longer heavy and ugly and he hurried home to tell his wife the whole story. Meanwhile, his neighbour listened from outside, “I shall also dance before the devils so that they will take away my bump!”
He thought. But he forgot that he was not a good dancer.
That evening he hurried towards the mountain where the devils appeared. He saw the tree with the hole in and he crept inside to wait for the devils to come
When it was dark the red, blue and white devils came and began to drink their wine and play their music.
“The man who was such a good dancer hasn’t come yet.” They said to each other, “It is already quite late, what shall we do? We have his precious bump, he will surely come to get that.”
The neighbour looked out of the hole in the tree. However he was so frightened that his leg became stiff. Suddenly, one of the devils saw him. “Ah there he is hiding in the tree,” he said and pulled him out.
“We have been waiting, now dance! Quickly!”
The old man tried to hop around but it was not good enough and the devils did not like it.
“Let us give him back this bump,” said a devil. So they put the bump from the gay old man onto the other cheek of his neighbour. Then they chased him away. The poor man now had two bumps and he ran home feeling very sorry for himself. 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Monkey and The Crab

One day, a monkey found a persimmon stone and a crab found a rice cake. The monkey, who wanted to eat the rice cake, said to the crab, “You can eat the rice cake only once! But the persimmon stone you can pant. It will then grow into a big tree and you will have many delicious persimmon to eat!”
So the crab gave the monkey the rice cake and took the persimmon stone and planted it. Every day the crab watered the stone and soon a small seedling appeared. It kept growing until it was a big tree and had a lot of fruit. The crab then began to climb the persimmon tree to get some of the fruit, but the monkey followed her and threw the crab down. Then the monkey climbed up tried to stop the monkey who hit her with a big persimmon and then ran away.
The crab broke into thousands of small pieces and tiny crabs were born from then. They all wanted punish the monkey and marched towards his home.
A bee came along and asked them where they were going. ”We are going to punish the monkey who killed our mother,” they all said. The crabs then gave the bee a dumpling and they went along together.
After a while, a chestnut rolled along and asked them where they were going. “We are going to punish the monkey who killed our mother,” they all said. They gave the chestnut a dumpling and they all went on together.
Then they met a snail in the middle of the path who asked them where they were going. “We are going to punish the monkey who killed our mother,”  they all said. They gave the snail a dumpling and they went on together.
Finally they met a grinding stone who asked them where they were going. “We are going to punish the monkey who killed our mother,” they all said. They gave the grinding stone a dumpling and went on together.
When they reach the monkey’s home he was not there, so the chestnut hid in the fire-place; the bee sat on the handle of the ladle; the snail lay in the front entrance; the grinding stone rested on top of the door; and the little crabs hid all over the house.
The monkey came in from the cold and went to the fire-place to warm himself. But the chestnut , as hot as fire, jumped into his face. The monkey rushed to the water to cool himself and the bee stung him. Then all the crabs came out to pinch him. Quickly he ran outside but slipped on the sail and fell down.
Thereupon the grinding stone fell down and crushed him.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

29 Contoh Cerita Legenda Terbaik Bahasa Inggris

Cerita legenda bahasa inggris (Narrative teks) adalah salah satu jenis teks yang dapat membantu kita dalam mengembangkan pengetahuan vocabulary bahasa inggris kita. disamping itu kita juga bisa mengenal asal-usul sesuatu.
Cerita Legenda bahasa inggris ini kami ambil dari berbagai sumber yang mungking bisa membantu kita dalam menambah wawasan kita, meskipun konon ada yang mengatakan bahwa sebagian dari legenda-legenda itu hanyalah fiktif. Pada intinya kita harus mengambil nilai-nilai posistifnya.
OK.. langsung saja ke Cerita Legendanya berikut :
1.  The Legend of Kawar Lake 
2.  The legend of seagull
3.  The legend of Redhill
4.  The legend of Moon and Sun Gods
5.  The legend of Sangkuriang
6.  The legend of Edelweiss I
7.  The legend of Edelweiss II
8.  The legend of female mosquitoes
9.  The Kusu Legend
10. The legend of Banana
11. The legend of Hongkong
12. The legend of shuteye island
13. The legend of Philipphines
14. The legend of Nyi Roro Kidul
15. The legend of the first monkey
16. The legend of Malin Kundang II  dan  Malin Kundang I
17. The legend of skin colours
18. The legend of God Mountain and river
19. The legend of Half Screen Mountain
20. The legend of the sea water
21. The legend of First man and woman in Philipphiness
22. The legend of Raden Kusuma
23. The legend of How the world was made
24. The legend of how the Dayak learned to plant rice Part I and Part II
25. The legend of Singapore
26. The legend of Rabbit's tail
27. The legend of Alpine Flower
28. The legend of Telaga Warna
29. The legend of Goose

Sunday, November 18, 2012

40 Contoh Terbaik Narrative Text Fable Bahasa inggris

Narrative Text fable adalah cerita binatang yang banyak mengandung pesan-pesan moral yang bisa memberikan suntikan semangat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, ada amanat baik yang bisa ditiru/diterapkan dan ada juga amanat yang tidak baik tentunya untuk dijadikan pelajaran untuk dihindari.
Narrative text (fable) juga menjadi salah satu jenis teks yang diajarkan di sekolah, pelajaran bahasa indonesia dan bahasa inggris, dan sering dimunculkan dalam soal Ujian Nasional baik tingkat SMP/MTs maupun Tingkat SMA/MA/SMK.
Mungkin anda adalah salah satunya yang mencari contoh Narrative Text (fable) untuk dipelajari atau untuk megerjakan tugas-tugas tentang Narrative Text (Fable), nah berikut ini beberapa contoh Narrative Text (Fable) terkenal yang mungkin bisa memberikan solusi untuk anda:

Kumpulan Fable (Cerita Binatang)